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This new documentary tells the story of the Oct. 6, 1976, bombing of a Cubana Airlines flight from Barbados by US-backed opponents of Cuba’s revolutionary government. All 73 passengers were killed, including the entire Cuban junior fencing team, many of them teens. Washington never prosecuted the US-based counterrevolutionaries responsible for the crime. The bombing was part of Washington’s 64-year-long, ongoing efforts to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, including brutal economic sanctions. Footage includes Fidel Castro’s powerful speech to one million Cubans after the bombing.

SAT. OCT. 7, 6:30 PM
Showing of documentary film Cubana 455
with Cuban journalist
Liz Oliva Fernández
which she will be discussing on
Enrique Berumen's film Cubana 455
and two new Belly of the Beast documentaries that expose what's driving Cuba policy under the Biden's Administration.

Find out more on Liz Oliva Fernández's
Tour & film showing of cubana 455

Chicago flyers
Howard University
Wednesday. October 4th, 1:00 pm

Chicago flyers
John Jay College
Tuesday. October 10th, 1:40 pm

Chicago flyers
El Barrio Firehouse Community Media Center
Tuesday, October 10th, 5:00 pm


The People's Forum

320 West 37th Street
(between 8th & 9th Avenues)
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM (EST)

Excerpt video clip of Fidel Castro’s powerful speech to one million Cubans after the bombing.



The New York-New Jersey Cuba Si Coalition brings together dozens of organizations and activists in opposition and action against Washington’s decades-long economic and political war against Cuba. Our Coalition organizes united actions against US economic and travel sanctions. Our Coalition is an important component of a growing national solidarity movement fighting for normalization of US-Cuba relations. Know more.


Cuban flag with text message that reads CubaSi