
Cuba wins new international solidarity – WEBINAR


Dachery Ernesto López Valdivia

Center for Demographic Studies, University of Havana

Carlos Lazo – Report on the recent conference of 370 emigres in Cuba

Carlos Lazo is a Cuban American teacher, social media personality, activist, and central organizer of Puentes de Amor (Bridges of Love), an international campaign to end the U.S. blockade on Cuba and unite Cuban families. Carlos will report back from the IV Conference of Nation and Emigration, held with hundreds of Cuban Émigrés in Havana, Cuba in November 2023.

Brenda Lopez – Report on the International tribunal and the call for internationally coordinated February actions against the blockade.

Brenda Lopez, representative to the International Tribunal Against the U.S. Blockade from the Los Angeles & Cleveland Hands Off Cuba Committees. The Tribunal took place in Brussels on November 2023 and Brenda was the youngest witness to testify, speaking impact of the blockade on U.S. youth.